jonny hillcrest(non-registered)
i am led to this webpage by viewing an entry made in the P.S. 86 da Bronx facebook page
Felix Arostegui(non-registered)
Really nice photos Bruce. I like your style and composition. I like how you capture ordinary things to show an idea, emotion or people. I like the black and white cement wall/floor which resembles like an angry alien? Also the sweetness of the little girl trying to feed a cookie to a lion statue. And finally, the three mops which (in my mind) look like three old ladies.
Polly Hyke(non-registered)
Great Photos Bruce. My favorite is the partially uncovered piano in the abandoned building.
Silvio Socolinsky(non-registered)
Bruce, me encantaron tus fotografías. Yo soy un aficionado, pero no de tu calidad. Felicitaciones
Mollyann Tabachnikov(non-registered)
Wow. You have a wonderful eye for composition and color, as well as a sensitivity to the mood of a place. Thanks for sharing these, and please, show more!
Scott Fenton(non-registered)
Really good photography Bruce!
Melanie Willoughby(non-registered)
Wow - your photography is incredible! I will visit regularly. Meanwhile, I am writing an email to you so that we can communicate outside of your website.
Dan Fukutomi(non-registered)
Hi Bruce, thanks for sharing your photos. Many nice photos in different themes!
Roger Wallins(non-registered)
Thank you, Bruce -- you do get around. We haven't spent much time in South and Central America (some time, just not a lot). Best to both of you!
Jan Wilson (from OLLI class Nature of Photography)(non-registered)
Thank you for sharing your photos. I just had a chance to look at them all. I loved the pictures from Cuba. You really captured the beauty and spirit of the country and the people. I also appreciated the photos of signs. My father and his brothers were sign makers--it was the family business.
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